
2016      Institute of Engineering in Medicine and Biology – FIPEM – Fellowship (Retired)

1997      Clinical Scientist – CSci (Health Professions Council)

1990      Ph.D. (University of Edinburgh)Dept. Clinical Neurosciences, Faculty of Medicine

1986 Electronics Diploma (Devry Institute of Technology: Toronto, Canada

 1979      B.Sc.(Hons) in Biological Sciences (University of Edinburgh) with Honours in Physiology


Recent Posts

2022 –                  Data Analyst

Usher Informatics Institute, 9 Little France Rd, Edinburgh EH16 4UX

2018 – 2022                 Quality Improvement Coordinator

 Paediatric Critical Care.  Edinburgh Royal Hospital for Children.

2016 – 2018                 Health Care Scientist

Child Life and Health, University of Edinburgh.

 1997 – 2016         Principal Health Care Scientist – Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, Glasgow

 Department of Clinical Physics, Greater Glasgow Health Board.

 1996-1997           Senior Lecturer University of Edinburgh

 Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Univ. of Edinburgh.

Recent Funded Projects

2017-2020           EU – ERA-NET Neuron (co-PI).

Paediatric Brain Monitoring with Information Technology (KidsBrainIT): Using IT Innovations to Improve Childhood Traumatic Brain Injury Intensive Care Management, Outcome, and Patient Safety. (Co-PI) (£ 527,645)

2015-2017           Technology Transfer Board

Connecting healthcare and research through a data analysis provisioning technology (CHART-ADAPT) (Partner)(£ 544,546)

2013-2015           Chief Scientists Office (co-PI).

Improving Decision Support for Treating Arterial Hypotension in Adult Patients During their Management in Intensive Care (£223,000)          

2007-2011           CORDIS (EC) Seventh Framework ICT Programme (PI)

Advanced Arterial Hypotension Adverse Event prediction through a Novel Bayesian Neural Network (£1,197,116)

2002-2005           CORDIS (EC) Fifth Framework Quality of Life Programme (PI)

BRAIN-IT2 – Brain Monitoring with Information Technology.  Research and Infrastructure Support. (£1,185,012)

2000-2001           CORDIS (EC) Fifth Framework Quality of Life Programme (PI)

BRAIN-IT – Brain Monitoring with Information Technology.  Research and Infrastructure Support. (£184,092)

1998-2000           Chief Scientists Office (co-PI)

Evaluation of continuous intracranial compliance measurement in patients with head injury and  hydrocephalus: (£101,406)


Selected from 123 publications including 11 Book Chapters

Effect of High-Flow Nasal Cannula Therapy vs Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Following Extubation on Liberation From Respiratory Support in Critically Ill Children: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Ramnarayan P, Richards-Belle A, Drikite L, Saull M, Orzechowska I, Darnell R, Sadique Z, Lester J, Morris KP, Tume LN, Davis PJ, Peters MJ, Feltbower RG, Grieve R, Thomas K, Mouncey PR, Harrison DA, Rowan KM; FIRST-ABC Step-Down RCT Investigators and the Paediatric Critical Care Society Study Group.JAMA. 2022 Apr 26;327(16):1555-1565. doi: 10.1001/jama.2022.3367.

CHART-ADAPT: Enabling Actionable Analytics at the Critical Care Unit Bedside Moss, L. , Shaw, M., Piper, I., Kinsella, J. and Hawthorne, C. (2021) CHART-ADAPT: Enabling Actionable Analytics at the Critical Care Unit Bedside. In: 2021 34th International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems (CBMS)

Indirect effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on paediatric healthcare use and severe disease: a retrospective national cohort study. Thomas C Williams, Clare MacRae, V Swann, Haris Haseeb, Steve Cunningham, Philip Davies, Neil Gibson, Christopher Lamb, Richard Levin, Catherine M McDougall, Jillian McFadzean, Ian Piper, Alastair Turner, Stephen W Turner, Margrethe Van Dijke,Donald S Urquhart, Bruce Guthrie, Ross J Langley BMJ – January 2021 – Archives of Diseases of Childhood. 2021.

Kafantaris E, Piper I, Lo TM, Escudero J. Application of Dispersion Entropy to Healthy and Pathological Heartbeat ECG Segments.

Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc. 2019 Jul;2019:2269-2272

Rob Donald, Tim Howells, Ian Piper, Enblad P., Nilsson P., Chambers I., Gregson B., Citerio G., Kiening K., Neumann J., Ragauskas A., Sahuquillo J., Sinnott R., Stell A on behalf of the BrainIT Group.  Forewarning of hypotensive events using a Bayesian Artificial Neural Network in neurocritical care. Journal of clinical monitoring and computing. 2018.

              B. Depreitere, F. Guiza, GMeyfroidt, I Piper,  G. Citerio, I. Chambers, P. Enblad, P. Nilsson, B. Feyen, A. Maas, M. Schuhmann, P. Jorens, G. Vandenberghe.  Cerebral perfusion pressure insults and associations with outcome in adult traumatic brain injury.

J Neurotrauma. 2017 Aug 15;34(16):2425-2431.

T.Lo, I. Piper, B. Depretiere, G.Meyfroidt, M. Poca, J.Sahuquillo, T.Durduran, P.Enblad, P.Nilsson, A. Ragauskas, K. Kiening, K. Morris, R. Agbeko, R. Levin, J Weitz, C. Park, P., Davis, on behalf of BrainIT.  KidsBrainIT: A new multi-centre, multi-disciplinary, multi-national paediatric brain monitoring collaboration. Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2018;126:39-45.

Güiza F, Depreitere B, Piper I, Citerio G, Chambers I, Jones PA, Lo TY, Enblad P, Nillson P, Feyen B, Jorens P, Maas A, Schuhmann MU, Donald R, Moss L,Van den Berghe G, Meyfroidt G. Visualizing the pressure and time burden of intracranial hypertension in adult and paediatric traumatic brain injury. Intensive Care Medicine 2015 Jun;41(6): 1067-76.

Depreitere B, Güiza F, Van den Berghe G, Schuhmann MU, Maier G, Piper I, Meyfroidt G.

Pressure autoregulation monitoring and cerebral perfusion pressure target recommendation in patients with severe traumatic brain injury based on minute-by-minute monitoring data.

J Neurosurg. 2014 Jun;120(6):1451-7.

Novel Methods to Predict Increased Intracranial Pressure During Intensive Care and Long-Term Neurological Outcome After Traumatic Brain Injury: Development and Validation in a Multicenter Dataset. Fabian Güiza, Bart Depreitere, Ian Piper, Greet Van den Berghe, Geert Meyfroidt. Critical Care Medicine 2013, Feb;41(2):554-64.

The brain monitoring with Information Technology (BrainIT) collaborative network: EC feasibility study results and future direction. Piper I, Chambers I, Citerio G, Enblad P, Gregson B, Howells T, Kiening K, Mattern J, Nilsson P, Ragauskas A, Sahuquillo J, Donald R, Sinnott R, Stell A; BrainIT Group. Acta Neurochir 2010, Nov;152(11):1859-71.

Federating distributed clinical data for the prediction of adverse hypotensive events. Anthony Stell, Richard Sinnott, Jipu Jiang, Rob

Donald, Iain Chambers, Per Enblad, Barbara Gregson, Tim Howells, Karl Kiening, Pelle Nilsson,Giuseppe Citerio,  Arminas

Ragauskas, Juan Sahuquillo and Ian Piper. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society 2009, 367, 2679-2690

The use of hyperventilation therapy after Brain Injury in Europe: An analysis of the BrainIT database. Neuman J, Chambers I, Citerio G, Enblad P, Gregson B, Howells T, Mattern J, Nilsson P, Piper I, Ragauskas A, Sahuquillo J, Yau H, Kiening K on Behalf of the BrainIT Group. Intensive Care Medicine 2008; S00134-008-1123

Pressure reactivity as a guide in the treatment of cerebral perfusion pressure in patients with brain trauma. Howells T, Elf K, Jones P, Ronne-Engstrom E, Piper I, Nillson P, Andrews P, Enblad P.. J Neurosurgery 2005, 102:311–317.

Survey of traumatic brain injury management in European Brain IT centres year 2001. P. Enblad, P. Nilsson1, I. Chambers2, G. Citerio3, H. Fiddes4, T. Howells1, K. Kiening5, A. Ragauskas6, J. Sahuquillo7, Y. H. Yau8, C. Contant9 and I. Piper10, Intensive Care Medicine 2004, 30:1058 –1065

Secondary insults during Intra-hospital Transport of Head Injured Patients. Andrews PJ, Piper IR, Dearden NM,

Miller JD: Lancet 1990, 335, 327-330, 1990